Version 1.01 Changelog
The Adventure is Complete!
June 24th 2021
Major Changes
Finished the last 2 levels in the adventure
Changed a few adventure level puzzles
Added a bubble disruptor variant
Added a "Spawn Clouds" option onto Monsters/Friendlys to be used with the Rain Cloud Friendly
Made the bubble and freeze projectiles able to be bubbled/frozen
Made pegasus boots colorable
Added a bunch of decorations and new rooms to the castle level (including a new throne decor)
Added a "Push Strength" option on monsters that defines how many boxes they can push
Made some changes to the movement system to fix various problems
Made snowballs killable and interact with certain hazards in special ways
(Mini-Update 4)
Added some new readouts for diamond counts when hovering over a chunk in the minimap
Added support for deleting saves from the save slots menu
Added a "Fast Travel Blocker" entity
Added a "Player Color" reset option to resetters
Added a "Focal Point" entity for minimap display of puzzles and secrets
Added a "Show on Minimap" option to Portals and Teleporters
Added support for "untethered" chunks in a level that show up at the top or bottom of the minimap rather than in their true location
(Mini-Update 3)
Fixed a bunch of the puzzle levels and added a few new puzzles’
Fixed some problems with various adventure levels
Tried to fix the shader compilation issues by not worrying about 1 byte compilation logs
Added a flower button to the adventure screen that allows you to re-visit the end screen
Added a "Multi Trigger" entity
Added a little progress pie chart on the purchase sign button
Changed the default key bindings to be Z to undo and cancel
Fixed problems with the tutorial and intro cutscene accidentally getting skipped
Added a way to skip the entire intro cutscene
Added a bit of animation and sound effects for sheep
Added an "Only Player" option to painters
Added a "Style" option to color fields and some square shape options
Added some new triggers to the death timer
(Mini-Update 2)
Fixed a memory leak that was making the game run slow after a while
Added a few more puzzle levels and redecorated and refined a bunch of them
Added a "Friendship Detector" meta trigger entity
Player 2 now copys player 1's inventory when spawning in with friendship mode
Made monsters adhere to turn triggers more rigorously
Added an option to diamond doors to turn off the diamond particles when the count decreases
Added "Diamond Sparkles Enabled" option
Added "Editor Place Sounds Enabled" option
Added a key glyph
Added "Give to All" option on the sword pedestal
Added a "Light Radius" option to candles
(Mini-Update 1)
Fixed problems with various puzzles in the adventure.
Added achievements for petting and feeding your first dog
Added a new level border style
Other Changes
Fixed a bug with ground cover and trap doors on ice
Fixed rolling and sliding entities when on ground covered
Made "Auto Pull" monsters not rotate when move attempts fail
Fixed limited use arrows not actually decrementing use counter
Fixed momentum transfer happening on boxes moved by gravity running into 0 weight objects
Fixed some incorrect logic for what objects are allowed to move onto occlusions
Added dog biscuits to all old adventure levels that had a dog
Fixed some rendering bugs with various invulnerability boots and trap doors
Added support for placing things under dirt walls in the editor
Fixed effect pads bubbling/freezing newly thrown projectiles when the player is standing on them
Fixed bags not getting ungrabbed when bubbled/frozen
Added options for the paint and bubble powerups in the taker entity
Undo state now gets saved when pushing a box while on ice
Added support for digging toggle and fake dirt walls
Made all players move when a player teleporter is activated
Added an exclamation mark on incorrectly configured TriggerGate, Relays, or MultiTrigger entities
Fixed tetris blocks not processing when dropped out of bubbles and when painted
Fixed some inputMethod problems with crystal balls and key anim glyphs
Fixed table decor being below ground cover when it shouldn't
Fixed moving bubbled barrels not falling in water immediately when popped
Fixed the "Follow Player" AI so it will attempt to follow players it can directly see next to it through portals
Fixed the "Orthogonal" active area option so it accounts for portals properly
Fixed meta diamonds used in entity counters being counted by the completion menu
Fixed completion percentages being rounded up sometimes
Fixed the event trigger for swing sword not saving undo steps
Made the bubbled dog feedable
(Mini-Update 4)
Made the minimap viewer more performant
Fixed the diamond count total when revisiting a level
Changed the default keybinds back to Z to active and X to undo
Fixed new puzzle levels being locked when added to a pack purchased in a previous version
Put deleted saves in a temporary DeletedSaves folder in case someone accidentally deletes their save
Fixed the dog petting loop
You can now teleport to the start location even after starting the level
(Mini-Update 3)
Worked on the Spanish translations a bit
Fixed some problems with the threaded debug output
Fixed some achievements being unlocked in the demo version
Added a close button to the bottom of the settings menu
Fixed a bug with cracked floor and portals/teleporters
Fixed a crash when minimizing the game at various points
Fixed resetting of diamonds in bubbles and made chests with previously collected diamonds auto-open
(Mini-Update 2)
Fixed a bunch of problems with friendship mode in the adventure levels
Added a new level background option "Boards"
Fixed coop border colors in all adventure levels
Fixed problem with opening crystal balls when players are standing on top of each other
Fixed purchase button for puzzle and friendship packs with controller
Made givers not usable when covered by toggle walls
(Mini-Update 1)
Deleted some puzzles from the puzzles packs that were used in the adventure (more puzzles coming soon)
Fixed some key binding problems with the credits mini-game
Fixed a problem with piston arms getting attached to the parents on the wrong side using portals
Fixed some reset after death problems and resetting of fake players